Taking pride in supporting our Knoxville parish and surrounding communities.

Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney

Founder of the Knights of Columbus
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will.
Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (make your request here). Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer To Saint Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Thanks to the generosity and time given from our Knights and members of our local community, our council has been blessed to take part in and support numerous endeavors focused on aiding others.
Because of everyone's effort, we can continue performing this much needed charitable work for many years to come.

Provide a Helping Hand
The Knights of Columbus' first core principle is focused on Charity. Every effort we make to support our families, friends, communities, and the world can actually make a monumental and positive difference in our everyday lives.
Whether you are a Knight or not, you and your family can always take part in helping with the many events that our council partakes in throughout the year. Check out various opportunities to volunteer as events become available throughout the year.

One of the many service opportunities that the council takes part in involves various stewardship tasks that provide aid to the grounds and structures located at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the associated Sacred Heart Cathedral School.
This volunteer event normally occurs on the second Saturday of every month throughout the year. Various job tasks, both inside and outside to accommodate any weather, will be available for the scheduled day.
We encourage everyone to participate in at least one session each year at a minimum to help make a difference.
24356: Treatment of the Columbarium Benches

Birthdays for:
Mark G Amrein |
Drew K Antunes |
Kenneth G Antunes |
Felipe Arias |
Samuel C Arwood |
Luke Askins |
Nelson N Ayangho |
James W Baker |
Gary J Barber |
Michael Beck |
Benjamin T Bevill |
Mark A Birmingham |
John D Bludworth |
Eric T Boder |
Rev. David Boettner |
Noah P Bond |
Jacob S Bonfig |
Andrew T Bosse |
Shaun A Brannen |
Robert N Brendlinger III |
Colin G Brice |
Kevin C Brinkmann |
Alan C Brown |
Brian P Broyles |
Nicholas D Burton |
Doug Caiazza |
Dr. Douglas L Campbell |
Mauricio Candelas Conchas |
Michael Carriere |
Russell T Carvin III |
Scott V Carvin |
Jonathan J Chakales |
Dr. Sungki Cho |
Hahn Choo |
Thomas Ciaccia |
Stefan Cioban |
James E Coatney II |
Shawn P Comerford |
Charles R Comerford |
Richard M Crawford |
Herstle L Cross Jr. |
Scott A Cummings |
Nathan T Cunningham |
John M Curley Sr. |
Britt M Dalton |
Robert J Demastus |
Nick A Deuschle |
Arthur Dias Martins Correa |
John Paul A Dieffenthaller |
Mark A Dorn |
Joey W Ducote |
Frank Anthony Duncan |
Paul T Duncan |
Joshua H Duncan |
Peter A Dunn |
Thomas M Dutkosky |
Daniel Eid |
David S Elmore |
Nathaniel J Evans |
Angelo S Falco |
John J Fessler |
Martin Thomas Flaherty |
George F Flanagan |
Jimmy Fleming |
Logan C Flowers |
Bruce E Fontecchio |
Thomas Ford |
Andrew L Frazer |
Fred R Freitag |
Herculano Garcia |
Rev. Jhon M Garcia |
Dominic A Garduno |
Michael E Garey |
Philip A Gentile |
Jacob L Gerber |
Charles M Gibson |
Todd D Giglio |
Rev. Martin Gladysz |
Michael D Godbold |
Paul B Goodale |
Brian Goodale |
Luke Gordon |
Peter S Gorish |
Tom Greer |
William Gregory |
Stephen W Guerinot |
Gregory S Guyotte |
Andrew L Hackett |
Sam M Hall |
Peter D Halstead |
J Austin Hamm |
Philip H Hanneman |
Andrew Graham Hanulcik |
Cole M Harris |
Mark R Hastings |
Michael J Hemmert |
Sean Hendrickson |
Aaron M Henry |
Robert A Hernandez |
Chad A Hernandez |
Steven M Herzog |
Steven M Hodge |
Richard Kenneth Hollow |
Kenneth E Hood |
Paul E Hosler |
Jeff Hubrig |
Donald K Hutson |
Conor E Irwin |
Gerard G Jabaley |
David G Jacobi |
John D Jamison |
Phillip A Jarnagin |
Connor W Jesteadt |
Robert P Jones |
David M Jones |
Michael Jones |
Getley A Joseph |
Robert A Joseph |
Glenn R Kahler |
Andrew R Kaleida |
Scott P Kamien Sr. |
Gassan J Kassira |
Dr. Stephen V Kaye |
Nathan D Keeble |
John V Kelly |
Myron E King |
Stephen L Kirk Jr. |
Peter D Kniesler |
Michael H Kohl |
Robert H Kosky Jr. |
Andrew J Kozsan |
Robert L Kreidler Sr. |
Philip J La Nasa |
Andrew C Lake |
Coby J Lancaster |
Robert J Lange Jr. |
Dennis Lapointe |
Alexander Lavoie |
Rev Mr James E Lawson Jr. |
Nicholas D Lawson |
Wayne C LeBlanc |
Sangkeun Matthew Lee |
Jason Lee |
Tom Linderman |
Steven J LoCascio |
Francois Lundy |
Drake T Lyle |
Gregory A Lyles |
Ronald C Magdon |
Matthew Mahoney |
Kevin A Mainini |
Ricardo A Maldonado |
Christopher J Manning |
James L Manning |
Bernard M Marcotte |
Paul A Marra |
Dana R Martin |
Berkley Mason |
Mark D Mc Kee |
Shane T Mc Mahon |
Adam M McBrayer |
Sean F McDermott |
John McElligott |
Paul M McGinley |
Dr. Peter P McKeown |
James S Mcbrayer |
John E Mckinney |
Shane T Mcmahon |
Miguel N Mcnelly |
John D Mecklenborg |
Jared B Medlen |
Thomas A Meyerson |
Rev. Chris C Michelson |
Chris A Mijares |
Travis G Millsaps |
Patrick J Mines |
R Michael Mohr |
Sean R Mohr |
Matthew R Montgomery |
Byong suk Moon |
Alex C Mullins |
Nicholas G Munding |
John A Murphy |
Brian Nelson |
Andrew B Nippa |
John Notarianni |
Richard O Notte |
Alexande J Notte |
Charles Michael O Hearn |
John E O'Connor |
Jackson Oakes |
Carmen James Orrico |
Walter D Otey |
Nicholas A Parker |
Robert E Patrick |
James A Piehl |
Jason Pierce |
John E Polinsky Sr. |
Jeremy J Quayle |
Thomas J Quinones |
May the Lord always reside in your heart and help provide you with the most precious things in life: Health, Love, Joy, Peace and Prosperity.

Prayer Requests
We ask that you please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers for this month.
If there is someone you would like to add to our prayer list, then please send us the info by using the request form linked below.
Prayer request for Hope Williams |
Residents of Derna, Libya. |
Mona Raborn |
Dennis Ragle |
Michael & Penny Fox |
Christine Williams |
Robert Walker |
Henry and JoAnn Usey |
Margaret Mary & Cleo Marie (Simoneau Family) |
Richard C. Vanderbrook, II |
Michael J. Guadagnoli |
Family of Ben Everingham |
Our Community |
Ian Pancham |
Willie La Nasa |
Laura Uhl |
Hank Stevens |
Tracey Brendlinger |
Patrick and Tianlu Redmon |
Frank Stassi |

Join us in Praying the Novenas
Throughout the year, our council will pray selected Novenas for different occasions. This takes place at 7 PM beginning on the specific Novena's date and will continue each day until complete. This occurs in the comfort of your own home.
We welcome everyone to take part in this special experience. Prayers have always proven to be valuable and powerful ways to support others.
Aug. 5 - Novena for Father McGivney
Sep. 29 - Novena of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Nov. 30 - Novena for the Immaculate Conception
Jan. 16 - Novena for Life
Feb. 15 - Novena of Our Lady of Hope
Apr. 19 - Novena of Divine Mercy
Jun. 19 - Novena for the Sacred Heart of Jesus