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Ancient Paper

Donations to Worthy Causes

Anyone can help make a difference in a person's life just by participating in the act of Charity. Your patronage can support any of our events and charitable services from small to large. ​

Methods of Donation


Choose any of the designated fund options below that you would like to contribute towards. You can make a one time donation or set up a monthly contribution for any selection.



Donations made by check should be made out to "Knights of Columbus Council 5207" and write on the check which fund you would like to support.


Mail checks to:


Knights of Columbus Council 5207
417 Erin Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37919



Donations can be sent utilizing the Venmo platform by sending to the name: 


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General Contribution Fund

Unrestricted gifts to our General Contribution Fund enables us to provide aid quickly to the areas that need the support the most. Gifts to this fund support all of the initiatives that our Knights of Columbus Council helps with in our community. 

Emergency Relief Fund

Our Council has a long and storied history of hosting successful in-person fundraising events for our parish and community. When scenarios like the recent pandemic hit, we may not be able to hold these annual in-person events to raise the much needed contributions. Any direct contribution to this fund will go towards supplementing these charitable works during the current or any future emergency situations that may come up.

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Sacramental Gifts Fund

The sacraments stand as the most significant events in the life of the domestic church. The Knights of Columbus will be there to support our parish families during these essential moments of their encounter with Christ.


Thanks to the generous donations received, the council was able to finish funding the new baptismal font in the Cathedral in 2022. 


Vocation Support Fund

Through this program, the council and parish families raise funds to help support the seminarians in our area.

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Contributions made here will help support the members of the clergy within our parish. Donations will be utilized for specific needs, gifts or other recognitions involving these individuals.

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Pregnancy Center SupporT FUND

Contributions made here will help support the members of the clergy within our parish. Donations will be utilized for specific needs, gifts or other recognitions involving these individuals.


Coats for Kids Fund

The goal of the Coats for Kids program is to ensure that no child in North America goes without a coat during the winter season. Contributions to the program allow the ability to purchase additional coats to supplement those that had been donated during our collection initiative. 

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Leave No Neighbor Behind Fund

The Knights work to support the needs of those who are affected by challenging situations. Your donation will empower our efforts to meet the unique needs that we are experiencing today as presented by our Knoxville community as well as adapt to new needs as they are identified.

Preserved Food

Food Drive Fund

In helping our community, our council helps a few different organizations, such as Ladies of Charity and Hope's Kitchen, collect necessary food supplies to help feed those who are less fortunate. The contributions here would aid us in this worthy endeavor.

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Father & Daughter Dance Fund

The council's annual Father & Daughter Dance provides families a wonderful social and valuable teaching experience for everyone. Contributions and the net proceeds go to support future dances and other charitable works within the council.

Knights of Columbus

Council #5207

Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Knoxville, TN

Knights of Columbus
Catholic based non-profit fraternal society performing charity and volunteering in support of our local parish and local communities.

Knoxville, TN

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