The Knights of Columbus Council 5207 welcomes you to join us and hundreds of other brave souls across the state on Saturday, Febrrrrruary 18th for the coolest thing you'll do in 2023. Whether you jump, run, or tiptoe in you'll be helping us build a bigger, better and COOLER community for 17,000+ Special Olympics athletes.
Everyone will be able to take a chilly dip in the pool at the Pilot YMCA. With a minimum of $75 in donations ($50 for students) each plunger receives the official Plunge t-shirt, and all bragging rights associated with such a brave endeavor.
You can participate as a plunger on the Knights of Columbus team that Sam Arwood has registered or if you are "Too Chicken," then you can still show support by providing a donation.
Visit the link below to register for the team and / or make a donation on behalf of the team. All the money goes too such a worthy cause. Currently, the Knoxville Polar Plunge has raised about $33.7k our of their initial goal of $35k. Let us do our part in pushing to the goal and beyond.
To register:
Click on the above link
Select Register
Choose: Join a Team
Type in: Knights of Columbus
Select the Team
Choose if you will Plunge or Not
Follow through the remaining registration steps.
Event Details
Saturday, February 18th
Pilot YMCA in West Knoxville
10:00 am check-in/registration
11:00 am costume contest
11:30 am plunge begins
Each plunger needs to register and raise the minimum $75 ($50 students) to plunge
the $10 registration deposit is applied to the plungers fundraising total
Plunge as an individual or as a team
Costumes are encouraged!
Awards and prizes are given to Top Fundraisers and Best costumes/themes
Additional details can be found at the Knoxville Polar Plunge site: Click Here