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Program Opportunities

In addition to our normal volunteer activities within the community that we participate in as a council throughout the year, we also have various programs and committees within the council that we would like to share with you. We hope that you may consider taking part in any of these while continuing to help make a difference in people's lives through our faith. 

Faith in Action Committees

The Knights of Columbus offers men a place to lead their families and communities in faith and service and put their Faith into Action. Knights of Columbus members, parishes and families have the opportunity to make a meaningful difference through several Supreme Council - recommended programs.


Each of these programs are placed within 4 different categories: Faith, Community, Family, and Life. Councils are also encouraged to also develop and perform additional services or activities that fall within these categories. Each Faith in Action category is led by a committee consisting of a director and council members. Any council member can take part within the committee itself or help with any of the scheduled activities. 



Our goal is to strengthen our men and their families in the faith. when we entered the order, we were reminded to constantly inform ourselves in the Catholic faith. This formation goes beyond mere facts or religious practice to an authentic connection with a loving god and his son Jesus Christ.


Programs in this category are designed to draw us closer to god and the Church in a tangible and meaningful way — whether through helping the future shepherds of the mother Church, quiet contemplation in a spiritual reflection program, or honoring Mary, mother of God. These programs should strive to arm us for the spiritual battle that our men and families face daily.



As Knights of Columbus, we are called to serve our family and our god. Our first principle is Charity, at home with our families or in our communities. This is a critical part of our Knights of Columbus mission. Have you ever wondered, “How can I make my community better?”


Individuals can do great things on their own but there is something bigger than self when Knights of Columbus members come together as one through their council and accomplish great things. Councils that conduct these programs are positively shaping their communities by addressing the needs of its citizens.



Put simply, programs in this category are developed for families, by families. Father McGivney sought to strengthen the familial bond of father to mother and children to parents. Catholics often struggle with the reality that they do not have the opportunity to socialize and/or pray with other faith-filled Catholic families. It can be quite a challenge to continue to ground ourselves and raise our children in the faith when there is such limited exposure.


Our family programs are an evolution and response to a society that seeks to weaken the bonds of family. we must make it clear that society should value a family that is faithful to God and each other. Father McGivney’s vision for family life was not only financial and material aid but also spiritual strength, as holiness is the calling of all baptized Christians. Put plainly, the majority of our time is easily spent in secular circles unless we intentionally create ways to live the domestic church. These programs help us to live this call.



The urgency of the threat to a culture of life cannot be misunderstood. Respect for the dignity of life demands a commitment to human rights across a broad spectrum. Both as Knights of Columbus and as followers of Christ, “Catholics must be committed to the defense of life in all its stages and in every condition” (st. John Paul ii, 1995).


The Knights of Columbus defends the dignity of each human being at every stage of life. Knights work together to build a culture of life and a civilization of love. A council should stand ready to assist any pregnant woman in need, care for the elderly, aid the handicapped, empower those with special needs to realize their full potential and bring attention to the injustices of abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia and assisted suicide.

FiA Committees
Men of the Hour Anchor

Men of the Hour

We are recruiting select men of our Order from every Council and Fourth Degree Assembly to become “specialized prayer warriors for Christ.”


Each week, these Men of the Hour will take gathered prayer requests and prepared petitions directly to our Lord in the tabernacle. Through dedicated Holy Hours and Eucharistic Adoration, these dutiful Knights will ask our Lord in person for his intercession, protection, and care for those suffering and in need.


Working in conjunction with our Council Chaplains, Assembly Friars, Pastors and Associate Pastors our Knights will come to rely upon these prayers in the audience of Christ to help care for our brother Knights especially those who may be falling away from the Church or may have happened upon hard times.


Knights of Columbus

Council #5207

Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Knoxville, TN

Knights of Columbus
Catholic based non-profit fraternal society performing charity and volunteering in support of our local parish and local communities.

Knoxville, TN

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